All Systems Operational
Zenegy Payroll Operational
Payroll - Web Operational
Payroll - Mobilapp Operational
Payroll - 3. part Operational
Payroll - API & integrationer Operational
Zenegy Expense Operational
Expense - Web Operational
Expense - Mobilapp Operational
Expense - 3. part Operational
Expense - API & integrationer Operational
Zenegy Numbers Operational
Numbers - Web Operational
Numbers - 3. part Operational
Numbers - API & integrationer Operational
Degraded Performance
Partial Outage
Major Outage
Past Incidents
Oct 4, 2024

No incidents reported today.

Oct 3, 2024

No incidents reported.

Oct 2, 2024

No incidents reported.

Oct 1, 2024
Resolved - Vi får nu igen kvitteringer fra Skat og lønkørsler går igennem som normalt. Vil vil fortsat overvåge situationen, ligesom vi er i dialog med Skat om forebyggelse af lign. situation.

We are again receiving receipts from Skat and payroll are being processed as usual. We'll continue to monitor the situation while also engaging in communication with Skat on how to prevent a similar situation in the future.

Oct 1, 07:49 CEST
Update - Vi oplever forsat forlængede svartider på gennemførsel af lønkørsler og også for modtagelse af skattekort.
Dette skyldes at Skat har problemer med deres Sterling Gateway, som har været utilgængelig.

Lønkørsler kommer igennem - der kan dog fortsat opleves længere svartider og nogle lønkørsler kan derfor stadig tage længere tid at blive gennemført.

Vi er i kommunikation med Skat og monitorere fejlen tæt.

Betalinger for lønkørsler som er sat til gennemførsel inden deadline for betalinger, vil blive gennemført selvom vi afventer svaret fra Skat. Du kan altid se status på betalinger ved at gå til Rapport > Betalinger > Betalinger - grupperet.

Har du medarbejdere uden et skattekort, kan du rette deres skatteoplysninger direkte i lønkørslen:

Du kan følge udfordringerne hos Skat på deres statusside:


We are still experiencing longer response times on completing a payroll run and also for receiving tax cards.
This is due to Skats issues on their Sterling Gateway, which has been unavailable.

Payrolls are being processed - however we are still seeing longer response times and as a result some payroll runs are still taking longer than usual to complete.
We are in communication with Skat and are monitoring this closely.

Your payments will be processed even though we are waiting on the response from Skat.
You can always see status an payment method og payments by going to Reports > Payments > Payments - grouped.

If you have employees without tax cards, you can alternate the tax card information in the payroll run:

You can follow Skats statuspage here:

Sep 27, 09:29 CEST
Update - Vi oplever forsat forlængede svartider på gennemførsel af lønkørsler og også for modtagelse af skattekort.
Dette skyldes at Skat har problemer med deres Sterling Gateway, som har været utilgængelig.

Der er fortsat længere svartider som betyder at lønkørsler tager længere tid at gennemføre.

Vi er i kommunikation med Skat og monitorere fejlen tæt.

Betalinger for lønkørsler som er sat til gennemførsel inden deadline for betalinger, vil blive gennemført selvom vi afventer svaret fra Skat.
Har du medarbejdere uden et skattekort, kan du rette deres skatteoplysninger direkte i lønkørslen:

Du kan følge udfordringerne hos Skat på deres statusside:


We are still experiencing longer response times on completing a payroll run and also for receiving tax cards.
This is due to Skats issues on their Sterling Gateway, which has been unavailable.

We are still seeing longer response times and as a result payroll runs are still taking longer than usual to complete.
We are in communication with Skat and are monitoring this closely.

Your payments will be processed even though we are waiting on the response from Skat.
If you have employees without tax cards, you can alternate the tax card information in the payroll run:

You can follow Skats statuspage here:

Sep 25, 20:52 CEST
Update - Vi oplever forsat forlængede svartider på gennemførsel af lønkørsler og også for modtagelse af skattekort.
Dette skyldes at Skat har problemer med deres Sterling Gateway, som har været utilgængelig.

Lønkørsler kommer igennem - der er dog fortsat længere svartider og nogle lønkørsler tager derfor stadig længere tid at blive gennemført.

Vi er i kommunikation med Skat og monitorere fejlen tæt.

Betalinger for lønkørsler som er sat til gennemførsel inden deadline for betalinger, vil blive gennemført selvom vi afventer svaret fra Skat.
Har du medarbejdere uden et skattekort, kan du rette deres skatteoplysninger direkte i lønkørslen:

Du kan følge udfordringerne hos Skat på deres statusside:


We are still experiencing longer response times on completing a payroll run and also for receiving tax cards.
This is due to Skats issues on their Sterling Gateway, which has been unavailable.

Payrolls are being processed - however we are still seeing longer response times and as a result some payroll runs are still taking longer than usual to complete.
We are in communication with Skat and are monitoring this closely.

Your payments will be processed even though we are waiting on the response from Skat.
If you have employees without tax cards, you can alternate the tax card information in the payroll run:

You can follow Skats statuspage here:

Sep 25, 08:08 CEST
Monitoring - Vi oplever forsat forlængede svartider på gennemførsel af lønkørsler og nu også for modtagelse af skattekort.
Dette skyldes at Skat har problemer med deres Sterling Gateway, som ikke er tilgængelig.

For os betyder det at vi ikke kan levere rapporteringer og anmodninger om skattekort til Skat.
Vi er i kommunikation med Skat og monitorere fejlen tæt.

Betalinger for lønkørsler som er sat til gennemførsel inden deadline for betalinger, vil blive gennemført selvom vi afventer svaret fra Skat.
Har du medarbejdere uden et skattekort, kan du rette deres skatteoplysninger direkte i lønkørslen:

Du kan følge udfordringerne hos Skat på deres statusside:


We are still experiencing longer responstime on completing a payroll run and now also for receiving tax cards.
This is due to Skats issues on their Sterling Gateway, as it is not available.

For us, this means that we are not able to report to eIncome or receive tax cards per request.
We are in communication with Skat and are monitoring this closely.

Your payments will be processed even though we are waiting on the response from Skat.
If you have employees without tax cards, you can alternate the tax card information in the payroll run:

You can follow Skats statuspage here:

Sep 23, 10:37 CEST
Identified - We are currently experiencing longer responstime on completing a payroll run.
This is due to Skats issues on their Sterling Gateway, as it is not available.

For us, this means that we are not able to report to eIncome.
We are in communication with Skat and are monitoring this closely.

Your payments will be processed even though we are waiting on the response from Skat.
You can follow Skats statuspage here:

Sep 20, 15:45 CEST
Update - Vi oplever desværre stadig længere svartider hos Skat, der betyder at lønkørsler tager længere tid at gennemføre. Vi er i dialog med Skat og vil opdatere her løbende.

We are still experiencing longer processing times at Skat which means payrolls may take longer to process. We are in contact with Skat and will provide updates here.

Sep 20, 10:54 CEST
Investigating - Vi oplever længere svartider hos Skat, der betyder at lønkørsler tager længere tid at gennemføre. Vi er i dialog med Skat og vil opdatere her.

We are currently experiencing longer processing times at Skat which means payrolls may take longer to process. We are in contact with Skat and will provide updates here.

Sep 19, 09:38 CEST
Sep 30, 2024

No incidents reported.

Sep 29, 2024

No incidents reported.

Sep 28, 2024

No incidents reported.

Sep 27, 2024
Sep 26, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Sep 26, 19:52 CEST
Investigating - We are currently seeing that some users are having issue registering hours. We are working to resolve the issue.
Sep 26, 13:42 CEST
Sep 25, 2024
Sep 24, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Sep 24, 19:13 CEST
Monitoring - Login er igen tilgængeligt. Problemet er identificeret og vi overvåger pt. situationen. Login is available again. The issue has been identified and we are currently monitoring the situation.
Sep 24, 18:30 CEST
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Sep 24, 17:57 CEST
Sep 23, 2024
Sep 22, 2024

No incidents reported.

Sep 21, 2024

No incidents reported.

Sep 20, 2024
Resolved - Medarbejdere kan nu opdatere deres profil igen.

Employees are now able to update information on their profile again.

Sep 20, 16:28 CEST
Investigating - Medarbejdere oplever en fejl, når de forsøger at opdatere oplysninger på deres profil. Dette indebærer at opdateringen ikke gemmes.

Medarbejdere bør ikke opdatere noget på deres profil lige nu.

Systemadministratorer, Administratorer og brugere med rollen Lønbogholder kan stadig opdatere oplysningerne på medarbejderes profiler.

Employees are experiencing an error when trying to update their information. This means updates aren't being saved.

Employees should not update anything on their profile right now.

Systemadministrators, Administrators and users with the role Accountant can still update information on employee's profiles.

Sep 20, 10:31 CEST